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Click to contact EmiliaOur Rooms

Sant'Agostino B&B offers four bedrooms: three double rooms and a single room.

The rooms are located on the entresol of the building in Via San Vicenzo 18/D. Since the building is located in an inner courtyard, the B&B is very quiet; its peace is maintained despite the fact it lies close to the  Cerchia dei Navigli of Milan (to the Northeast) and the ring road of the city (to the South-west) two main roads critical to traffic flow in Milan.

For the rooms at the B&B I was inspired by the many beautiful examples of Art Nouveau architecture Milan still retains.

Each room has therefore the name of a season, and each is characterised by the graphical interpretation Alfons Mucha had done in the period when the building where the B&B is located was constructed.

Virtual Tour: Reception

Features of each room

The sliding grid below shows the main features of each room. Click on the names of the rooms to open it.

Primavera (Spring)

Icona di un letto singoloSpring room is the only room at the B&B located on the left side of the hallway, and thus enjoys a bit more privacy. It is a single room and it's dedicated to spring.

Primavera room planSpring according to MuchaThe Primavera roomA particular of the Primavera roomThe bed at Primavera roomPrimavera room inner bathroom

Virtual Tour: Primavera

Estate (Summer)

Icona di un letto doppioSummer room is the third on the right side of the hallway and it is a room with double aspect. It is a double room and it's dedicated to summer. You can have a third bed, as shown in the table of rates.

Estate room planSummer according to MuchaThe Estate roomThe bed at Estate roomEstate room inner bathroom

Virtual Tour: Estate

Autunno (Autumn)

Double bed iconAutumn room is the second on the right side of the hallway. It is a double room and it's dedicated to autumn. You can have a third bed, as shown in the table of rates.

Autunno room planAutumn according to MuchaThe Autunno roomThe bed at Autunno roomAutunno room inner bathroom

Virtual Tour: Autunno

Inverno (Winter)

Double bed iconWinter room is the first on the right side of the hallway. It is a double room and it's dedicated to winter. You can have a third bed, as shown in the table of rates.

Inverno room planWinter according to MuchaThe Inverno roomInverno room inner bathroom

Virtual Tour: Inverno

Features of all rooms

toilette b b s agostino

The room has its own toilet

Doccia camera

The room is equipped with a shower

ogni camera b&b ha una cassaforte

The rooms features a mini safe


ogni camera dispone del frigorifero

In the room there is a refrigerator


tv satellitare in ogni camera

The room has a TV with digital terrestrial connection

il B&B disponde di WIFI

The rooms has access to WIFI Internet connection

locale climatizzato

The room has an air conditioner


divieto di fumare in camera

It is forbidden to smoke inside the room


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